Yes, it is easy to change the lenses in your eyewear. All our replacement lenses are made out of high-quality polycarbonate plastic, which means the lenses have just enough flex to help you snap them into place easily. Most customers are able to safely remove their old lenses, and install their brand new Revant replacement lenses, in a matter of minutes.
To help, we provide installation instructional videos on how to replace a lens for each frame at the bottom of each product page and via email when you order our replacement lenses. Watch the video below to see how easy it is, or find more installation tips and techniques here: How to Install Replacement Lenses.
To keep your sunglasses safe during installation, make sure to avoid putting extreme pressure on any one part of the frame.
If your particular frame style uses screws to hold the lenses in place, we will provide you with a free screwdriver, included in your package.